Budo Yoga

Yoga and Meditation inspired by traditional martial arts


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Both Budo and Yoga are paths that lead to a life of freedom. In my classes I want to create the space to expand personal boundaries through discipline, ease and a coming back to our true self. It doesn't matter which difficulties we face in life, only we ourselves can stand in our way. And that is exactly what we can and want to change.

Sonja Sutor
Intermediate and Advanced

Budo Yoga

Blends Budo and Yoga

The Budo Yoga classes are the most challenging and physically demanding, so they are suitable for anyone who wants to push themselves and push their limits. They combine elements from Hatha Yoga with movements from martial arts, training both body and mind.

Beginners and Advanced

Gentle Yoga

Calm Yoga Sequences

The gentle yoga class is characterized by slowing down the pace, with more time to approach each asana individually and to get a good feel of your body. For those who want to take it easy or have no previous yoga experience, this is a good fit.

Beginners and Advanced

Yin Yoga

Relax and let go

Yin Yoga is a meditative practice focusing on fascial tissues that allows letting go on mental and physical level. Asanas are held for several minutes without effort or tension until our connective tissues can release and our minds find peace and serenity.

Beginners and Advanced

Yoga for Back

Improve your posture and health

In the Yoga for Back class we welcome the new day together and focus on our backs. Working on a strong and healthy back will give you a great start and support through the whole day while reducing the risk of back-related problems and pain.

Beginners and Intermediate


Quiet your mind and experience bliss

Learn Skills that help you quiet your mind and deal with stress and negative thoughts. Open your mind and experience freedom and serenity. Learn history and basics in the Basic Course or join us in open classes for a joint Meditation with different key aspects.


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